
Our team combined expert knowledge in all areas necessary for a successful accomplishment. Without the effort and the 100% commitment of every single person, a successful completion and the arrival in Santiago de Compostela would not have been possible. Every person had their individual part in the execution and all together we were a „Winner-Team“.

Aleš Hubáček

Ales, a paramotor-, paraglider pilot, flight instructor and owner of Skyjam flew a paramotor and walked throughout the project pilgrim flight. He was responsible for the execution of all repair and maintenance work concerning the flight devices as well as all security-related decisions.


Hana Harenčárová

Hanka, an experienced paraglider, paramotor glider and paratrike pilot flew the double seated Airmaster-Trikes for project pilgrim flight, from which all the aerial photography was taken. Furthermore, she was a crucial part of the logistics and organization on the ground and designed most of the Photo documentation.

Werner Harbich

Werner, our technical and organizational expert and experienced paraglider pilot was responsible for the support on the ground. Maintenance work on our devices was done successfully with his supervision and support.

Dominik Müller

Dominik, paraglider pilot and professional cameraman accompanied the project cinematically. The complete organization and coordination of the shots fell to his responsibility. He will be in charge of the finishing and presentation of the film about the pilgrim flight after its successful completion.

Oliver Guenay

Oliver, an experienced paraglider pilot and author started out as the second paramotor pilot. In Burgos he chose to terminate his pilgrim flight early in order to work on other projects.


Our Mouse was more than just a mascot or a talisman – she was a faithful companion in all situations, she gave us strength when we could not see the light at the horizon and she shared the joy with us when everything worked out perfectly. Our Mouse was an important member of our team and had an essential influence on the triumphant arrival at the great plaza in front of the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.

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